About Us

Welcome to GoGet Computer Solution, we are a family-owned business founded in NJ by a local tech enthusiast with a passion for computers and networking devices.

Our Commitment to Customer Satisfaction

At GoGet Computer Solution, we prioritize face-to-face interactions with our clients. We follow up on every repair with quality assurance checks to ensure that our customers are completely satisfied with our services.

What Sets Us Apart

Our on-site repair services, transparent pricing, and quick turnaround time distinguish us from other computer repair services in Southern NJ.

Our deep understanding of technology and the advancement it continues to take, as we follow along with it.

We believe in providing convenient, efficient, and reliable solutions to all our clients.

YES! No Diagnostics Fees Required. Down to earth, and determined to make it work for you.

Experience the GoGet Computer Solution Difference Today!

Get in touch with us for all your computer repair & networking needs.

 Evening Service Focused, to give you time to be home.

Monday - Friday

5:00-PM - 10:00-PM


7:00-AM - 9:30-PM


Appointments Only!

Immediate Support!

Call: (856) 209-4768

GoGet Computer Solutions